
In a time when people are so selfish and all about the things going on with them, these have truly become rare. But I am grateful to have people I am honestly able to call friend. People who love you and are there for you not only when it is good or advantageous, but when it is bad and their is nothing to gain. People who in spite of their own situation will take a brief intermission from what they are dealing with in life to see about you. No, I don’t mean people who are always around or available, just people who are there when you need them. People who when you think of them a smile comes upon your face and joy overtakes your heart. People who no matter if 3 days or 3 years pass, when you see each other it is as though time stood still in order for you to pick up right where you left off. I have a few friends and for that I am grateful. Not even really looking for more, because becoming a friend requires process. Not talking about being “friendly”, I am that way with all. I am talking about being a “FRIEND!” The people you give access to the innermost parts of your life. The people you trust with your ups and downs, success and failures. The people who will tell you the truth, not because it is what you want, but because it is what you need. People these days don’t know how to be friends, I mean real friends. They are there for you when you don’t need them and they can gain something from you, but let things change and you will see who is who in your life. I am so thankful to have people in my life who I matter to. People who will pick up the phone just to see how I am doing. People who say I know you are going through something, but let me help you escape that for a little while. People who say I don’t have the answer to your problem, but I will help you look. I love my friends and I hope that you have some real friends in your life too. Because even though we were born alone and will transcend this life the same way; while we are here, they make things so much more pleasant and wonderful. The are the accents that add to life and inspire us to actually live. Thanks for being my friend….

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