Perfect Timing!

In our lives there are so many opportunities that come and go; some we seize others we don’t. Some we see while there are others we miss. In the Book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon speaks about everything having a time and a season, about how there is a time for every purpose under the sun. Well, the best time to do what you desire to do is when you see the winds of change come and things start to come into order in a manner that you alone could never control. This is because God is the Author and Finisher of our faith. God sets things in motion in our lives to bring us to the place of our expected end and to receive all the favor and blessings that He has planned for us as God proclaims in His Word according to Jeremiah 29:11. The issue that comes in is that God has given us freedom of choice to do as we desire; although God does give guidance. Deuteronomy 30:19 speaks of the choices we have to make in God saying that He has placed before us blessings and curses as well as life and death: life being a blessing and death being the curse. God then says for us to choose life, not only for ourselves, but for our children as well. So here we are, faced with a decision. What do we do? Most of the time we speculate and try to rationalize everything before we make the decision of life; as if we don’t know what life is or looks like. God place so many things inside of us and we are driven by the desire for those things. 2 Cor. 4:7 tells us that there is treasure in us, but not for us, rather the glory of God. So here is the dilemma; God has given us a choice of life or death that affects our children that is to give Him Glory. What do I do? Well, you should perhaps look at the choice before you as a matter of life and death. Perhaps that will lead you to make the decision that you see as a life saver; not only for you, but your children as well. One that gets you to the place that fills the desire God placed inside of you that drive you to want to please God and give Him His glory.
When God asked me if I wanted to live or die, that was a real plain and to the point question. Of course I wanted to live, so I said that. I was not aware that there was a process that had to take place in order for me to actually live. See, it wasn’t just a physical death God was speaking to me about; it was a spiritual one as well. So while God was working on the exterior and cleaning me up; He was also cleansing and building my spirit up too. In that though, I had to make a number of decisions that I didn’t understand or even know if I was going to be right or wrong. These choices were made based on the faith of what God promised me in my life and what was going to not only best get me there, but which decision was going to give God glory and bless my children as well. So I made many of the right choices, but I still made some bad ones as well. But faith is moving and not knowing. It is seeing what isn’t there and moving towards it anyway. It is walking in something that others may never see, know or understand all because you are trusting God to bless you and keep you as you move forward. Because the race isn’t given to the swift, so I don’t care if you get there faster than me. It is given to those who endure to the end, so I will go through whatever it takes to reach the mark of the high call that God has placed on my life. Why? Because God gets glory when I fail and don’t give up on the Word He placed in my heart. When others look at me and see something in my life that doesn’t happen as I hope it would as a failure, I thank God anyway because I know I am that much closer to the place that God desires me to do. While we are sitting still and waiting for the heavens to crack and God to say to us go left or right, the enemy is holding you back from moving into the blessings that God has set before you.
In my heart, God placed the desire to love. He also gave me the Word that I would be married and have a strong and blessed family. That He would use us to be a blessing to His people. So I have been in and out of relationships. I have hoped that this one was the right one only to find out that they didn’t have the faith required to be with me. Because God has given me the measure of faith that He gave us all, but my faith has been tried and tested until it is so vast that I just trust God. If God says it, I believe Him. No questions, I just move and whether it is something that is manifest or not that others have the ability to see, I jump right in with all God has given me. Now those who know me know that I love hard and give myself without request of anything in return. But I do desire that the love be returned, just that I am not looking at what you say or do, I am remembering the Word of God that said if you sow love you will reap love. If you sow great love you will receive great love. Most importantly and more of the way I love now, if I receive the love of God, in turn sow God’s love into someone else, I will reap God’s love in return. That is a wonderful and amazing thing to get God to pour His love into you for you to share with another. Yet, I have been let down time and time again. Not by God, by the people who told me that they loved me and that they wanted to share in what God has for us. God’s Word is always true and scripture tells us that it will not return to Him without accomplishing that which it was sent forth to do. So I take my time and I listen to what God says to me about a person and the blessings He desires the person to have and I go in whole heartedly to be the representative of God in a person’s life to help them see the things God has promised become manifest in their lives; trusting that by doing so, God is going to bless me to receive all He spoke to me about me in return for doing His will.
All that I have been through and all that I have seen and come to understand about God has brought me to this place. The place where I not only see what God has spoken to me, but others who don’t know me or my situation are able to see it and they speak it to me. I had a woman that didn’t know my situation or the Word God spoke to me say this, “God is bringing you a wife.” Out of the blue, she started to talk about the things God had promised me and about how she could see me moving into the right place to receive. She said to me that you don’t love anyone more than God and you do whatever God tells you to do. She asked me if I thought she was crazy for saying those things because she had been drinking; I told her absolutely not. Because unless the Spirit of God was in her, there was no way she could have ever spoken those things to me. But before she said it, God had told me I was getting close and to pay attention to the things going on around me. After that God stopped speaking until today when I was led to share this message about timing. But everything around me seems to be making way for the fulfillment of what God spoke to take place in my life. Even where it pertains to my career, I would tell people I was about to get a job, but it fell through every time, but I never lost faith even though I didn’t know where it was coming from, because I knew I would be working at some point.
Needless to continue with all of that because I hope you see what I am saying by now. If not, I am about to summarize and bring it to a point for you so you can apply it in every area of your life that you see fit. God has spoken many things to you and you have yet to see them manifest in your life. God has promised you something and it seems like every time you get close, it turns out to be a fake. You are asking God what to do now and He isn’t responding the way you are looking for Him too. The thing that I have learned in life is this; success comes from the willingness to fail in order to achieve or attain your desires. The ability to make mistakes and keep moving toward your promise in spite of what others think or say: dusting yourself off and getting right back on that horse to ride off into the sunset. The more you do it, the better you get at it. The better you get at something the closer you are to being successful at it. When you are successful at it, you will reap all of the blessings, benefits, spoils or whatever else comes with it. But it takes the process to prepare you to have the ability to maintain it. So if you want a house and you have been working toward it (diligently), you know more about owning a house now than you did when you started. You realize things about home ownership you never imagined when you started. So now when you get your home you are better prepared and have an idea of what it is going to FULLY take to maintain it. It is like going to college and taking classes in anything; you may have a little knowledge, but the more you study and go through the process of learning you gain better insight and understanding. As for me and my house, the more I continue to love freely in spite of the outcome, the better I get at loving the way God intends for me to love. So when God blesses me with my wife, I am going to be better equipped to love her…. FULLY. But this doesn’t come without process. I wrote something a while ago and I still share it from time to time because it is so true: Faith without works is dead, just as promise without process doesn’t exist. Know that you are going to have to go through something to get something. Christ said if you want to reign with Him, you have to suffer with Him. So while there are some out there who think it is just going to fall out of the sky or God is going to just say here you are, think again.
Finally, I know you are wondering why this is titled Perfect Timing. Well, it is like this. When you go through the process and you have been down this road before, you gain insight and you can see things as they are coming. Now you can do one of two things: treat it like the old thing and bail before it has a chance to be, or you can try a different approach and see if it gets you a better result than the last time it happened. Problem with treating it like the old thing, is that it is not that and if you treat it like that you will get the same results. But if you keep moving forward, trusting what God spoke to you and doing what He directed you to do; you are on a collision course with destiny. As you keep moving forward, those who are not to be part of your destiny fall away. Things that don’t have place in your promise start to not mean so much and you become willing to leave them behind. God in turn replaces them with things that are beneficial; surrounds you with people who have your best interest in heart and lead you toward your destiny by reminding you of the things God spoke to you. By accepting you for who you are and allowing you to grow to become all God desires you to be. So here I am, one more time, giving my all in the hope that this time is the right time. All the while not certain, but hoping and knowing that God gave me a promise so I keep moving; all the while I am getting better and stronger. Gaining knowledge and becoming wiser. I am growing in faith, spirit and desire. I am becoming more of who God called and created me to be and as I do I get closer to those promises of God. So how do you know when the timing is perfect, even when God isn’t speaking? You start to see things in and around your life moving like a symphony with smooth precision. Doors are opening that you could not ever see opening. People say things that you don’t expect to hear from them. All the while you find yourself in a place of comfort and at peace with everything going on even though it may seem that at one point in your life you would have been overwhelmed or backed out for lack of certainty. That is just proof that your faith has grown and that you are more focused on God and His promises that on you and your selfish desires. There are a lot of things going on right now and so much happening to us all, but prepare yourself so that you can move into your blessing when you recognize that this is your Perfect Timing. God Bless!

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