Love is Infinite

I spoke with a rather intelligent Queen who graced me with her perspectives on a few things. We engaged each other in a wonderful conversation. We spoke about several things, but the part I want to share has to do with love.Those of you who actually read my post know that is something that clouds my thoughts; Only because I am trying to understand it so that I might become better at it. I am tired of love that starts on a high and ends in a deficit. Like you give your all and the still want more. I am tired of the 2-3 year cycles that most relationships take. I am looking for the love that sustains and endures the many test that time will throw in its way. What I am about to share wasn’t really what our conversation was about, but from it I had this epiphany. We were talking about being vessels used by The Most High in one another’s lives. Talking about how it isn’t about us but the Glory of the Creator. From that I began to think about how, yes we are vessels to be used for a greater and higher purpose. I also because to think about how as vessels we are filled by a higher source.

In thinking about how we are filled by this higher source and then we pour into the lives of others, I began to contemplate love and how it is infinite and never goes away. How love doesn’t stop, a person just simply decides to no longer receive it when it is being given. When that happens, the giver stops allowing it to flow in the direction it was going. Now with love being infinite and I have the power to accept it or decline, then I am probably the source of many of my own failed relationships. Because I do know how to not only decline love, but I know how to change the direction of mine as well. But I digress, this isn’t about me. So here we have this infinite force or energy flowing through us. If we are not sharing it, we are allowing it to spill out and therefore wasted. But what if you shared it with everyone? Not just those you are in relationship, but with a stranger. People you see on a daily basis at work or out shopping. What if you were no longer waiting for a refill from a person, but allowed yourself to tap into the source. Also, rather than being a vessel that has to be filled over and over, becoming a conduit. Just allowing it to flow freely through you. Allowing it to become a part of your natural makeup. A characteristic trait rather than a decision of who I am and am not going to share it with. What if you became love instead of trying to do love?

We are fascinating beings to say the least. We have been given free will, freedom of choice and a life to do with whatever we please. We are all at our core the same and have the same desires, hopes and aspirations. So many of us are tired of seeing all of the bad things that take place in the world and want to know what we can do to change it. I hate to sound like a song or a cliche’, but the world could use a lot more love. Not that fake selfish type of love, but that REAL SELFLESS LOVE. The kind that considers others. That shares with those less fortunate. The kind that mends broken hearts and lives. The kind of love that is our highest expression of who we are and should be as HUMANITY. I am signing myself up to be a conduit, I already have a lot of love to give, why not share it with all I encounter. I don’t want to just change my own life, I want to change the lives of those I encounter. I don’t want it all for me, I want to share it with all who want, need and desire. I don’t want to waste it by deciding who doesn’t deserve it: its not mine in the first place, it belongs to the entire universe. There are just some things in life that no matter how hard we try we will never master; but if we allow things to be natural and do what they do on their own, we will be better for it and be better blessed by it. Give love. Share love. Make love a way of life. ~Blessings

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